Holes | About The Movie | The Book | Photos | Links  

"Holes" was released in theaters on April 11 2003 and is now on DVD and video
my name is Amy and I LOVE HOLES! It's my favorite movie and the cast is unbelieveable!!!!! I hope y'all enjoy my site!
Site Info
This site is a fan-site about the movie HOLES! Why start a fan-site? Well, I Love the movie and I am a big fan of Siguorney Weaver!!!!
The Warden
Sigourney Weaver stars as the Warden in "Holes"©2003AmyHeartgraphics

Summary if the Movie
Stanley Yelnats IV just gor arrested for stealing Clyde Livinston's, a famous baseball player,shoes. Stanley has two choices, to go to "Camp Green Lake" or to go to jail. Stanley chooses camp Green Lake and ends up in a dry Texas desrt land full of mean counselors, lizards, etc. When Stanley is forced to dig a five-foot deep and five-foot wid hole each day his "hole" life turns around.
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The Book
HOLES is based on the book by Louis Sacher

Mr. Sir. The Warden, and "Dr." Pendanski
Jon Voight, Sigourney Weaver, and Tim Blake Nelson
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